Embracing Your Vision in The New Year

January’s Devil’s Deck card of the month is The Sight.

Satanic Insight: Focus on your future. You hold the power to change your destiny. As within so without. Appreciate your ability to bring your inner desires in the outside world. Now is the time to focus your will, honor your needs, and know your power. Take time to plan. Reflect on past successes. Where do you want to be one year from now? Ten years from now? Know the power you hold to create and recreate your world. Recognize any fears that arise when you do this work. Ask them to move aside, and move yourself forward.

Recommended Ritual The Sight: A Ritual For Great Visions

The Sight is my favorite ritual to kickstart the new year. It gives me an opportunity to reflect on my growth and accomplishments of the previous year, check in with where I am, and decide where I want to be. In many ways, The Sight has served as the foundational ritual of my Satanic craft. The visions that arise with this work guide my choices for the next year - or several years. Being grounded in my desire is a key aspect of my Satanic journey and has provided much fun, adventure, and fulfillment on my Satanic path.

You can check out The Sight ritual in my book The Devil’s Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic ritual and grab The Devil’s Deck and The Sight ritual tools, including the ritual kit, in the shop. Join me in Salem Hexennacht weekend to perform The Sight ritual with me at The Satanic Temple headquarters! Grab tickets here.


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